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- {Program SIGN UP! by James Edmunds }
- {Written in Turbo Pascal, originally for the purpose of }
- {easing registration of youngsters into summer workshops }
- {at Iberia Parish Library, and one copy donated to that }
- {library. This program may be copied and used freely; if }
- {you like and use the program, you are requested to send }
- {25.00 to James Edmunds, PO Box 2185, New Iberia, LA 70560 }
- program SignUp;
- const
- MaxNoWorkshops = 45;
- MaxNoParticpants = 100;
- type
- WorkshopName = string[18];
- WorkshopTime = string[40];
- Instructor = string[25];
- Schedule = record
- WorkshopNumber: Integer;
- Workshop: WorkshopName;
- When: WorkshopTime;
- Who: Instructor;
- HowMany: Integer;
- YoungestAge: Integer;
- OldestAge: Integer;
- end;
- ParticName = string[30];
- ParticAddr1 = string[30];
- ParticAddr2 = string[30];
- ParticAddr3 = string[30];
- ParticPhone = string[14];
- Participant = record
- PartiNumber: Integer;
- PartiName: ParticName;
- PartiAddr1: ParticAddr1;
- PartiAddr2: ParticAddr2;
- PartiAddr3: ParticAddr3;
- PartiPhone: ParticPhone;
- PartiAge: Integer;
- PartiIn1: Integer;
- PartiIn2: Integer;
- PartiIn3: Integer;
- PartiIn4: Integer;
- PartiIn5: Integer;
- PartiIn6: Integer;
- PartiIn7: Integer;
- PartiIn8: Integer;
- PartiIn9: Integer;
- PartiIn10: Integer;
- AltIn1: Integer;
- AltIn2: Integer;
- AltIn3: Integer;
- AltIn4: Integer;
- AltIn5: Integer;
- AltIn6: Integer;
- AltIn7: Integer;
- AltIn8: Integer;
- AltIn9: Integer;
- AltIn10: Integer;
- end;
- RosterListing = record
- PartiRosterNumber: Integer;
- PartiRosterName: ParticName;
- PartiRosterPhone: ParticPhone;
- AltFlag: Boolean;
- end;
- Limit = record
- WorkshopLimit: Integer;
- AlternateLimit: Integer;
- end;
- var
- SchedFile : file of Schedule;
- SchedRec: Schedule;
- PartiFile: file of Participant;
- PartiRec: Participant;
- RostListFile: file of RosterListing;
- RostRec: RosterListing;
- LimitFile : file of Limit;
- LimitRec : Limit;
- MostWorkshops, MostAlternates: Integer;
- WorkshopChoice,NumberIn,NumberAltIn,PartiAgeHold,A,B,C,D: Integer;
- Number,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z: Integer;
- Choice,Choic,Ch : char;
- Yes, Stopper, Okay, IsOne, PrintReg, AltFlagger, FormFeed,Beep : Boolean;
- AgeSkip : Boolean;
- CheckForFile : file;
- Entry: string[80];
- RosterNumber: string[3];
- RosterName: string[8];
- Expression: string[80];
- PartiNameHold: string[30];
- PartiAddr1Hold: string[30];
- PartiAddr2Hold: string[30];
- PartiAddr3Hold: string[30];
- PartiPhoneHold: string[30];
- WhichIn: string[1];
- WhichAlt: string[1];
- {Draw the opening screen. Use TextColor and BackgroundColor to}
- {make display in reverse video. }
- procedure DrawScreen;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- TextColor(0);
- TextBackground(7);
- for I := 1 to 23 do
- begin
- end;
- TextColor(7);
- TextBackground(0);
- end;
- {A cheap explosion effect}
- procedure MakeWindow;
- begin
- Window(29,10,50,15);
- ClrScr;
- Delay(500);
- Window(22,8,57,17);
- ClrScr;
- Delay(500);
- Window(14,6,64,19);
- ClrScr;
- Delay(500);
- Window(7,4,71,21);
- ClrScr;
- Delay(500);
- Window(5,3,73,22);
- ClrScr;
- Delay(500);
- Window(3,2,76,23);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- {Title of the program and the egomaniac programmer's name.}
- procedure Title;
- begin
- For I:= 1 to 6 do
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' SIGN UP!');
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' by');
- Writeln(' James Edmunds');
- Writeln(' PO Box 2185');
- Writeln(' New Iberia, LA');
- Writeln(' 70560');
- end;
- {Checks to see if a file already exists}
- procedure CheckForTheFile;
- begin
- {$I-} Reset(CheckForFile) {$I+}; {Reset is an error if no file exists}
- IsOne := (IOresult = 0);
- end;
- procedure Greeting;
- begin
- Assign(CheckForFile,'SKED.DTA');
- CheckForTheFile;
- If not IsOne then
- begin
- ClrScr;
- Writeln(^G);
- Writeln(' This program allows the creation of a schedule of');
- Writeln(' up to 45 workshops, registration of participants');
- Writeln(' into those workshops, the printing of a complete');
- Writeln(' registration list, the onscreen viewing or printing');
- Writeln(' of individual workshop rosters, the limitation ');
- Writeln(' of class size and the listing of registrants as');
- Writeln(' alternates in classes that are full. It blocks');
- Writeln(' registration of participants not in the proper');
- Writeln(' age range but allows the registrar to override');
- Writeln(' the age limitation on an individual basis. Parti-');
- Writeln(' cipants are limited in the number of workshops for');
- Writeln(' which they may register and also for which they may');
- Writeln(' may be listed as alternates. Those limits are set');
- Writeln(' for the entire schedule by the registrar. The entire');
- Writeln(' program is menu-driven.');
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' (Press the space bar for more...)');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' It is advised that you begin by using a disk with only');
- Writeln(' the files with names beginning with "SIGNUP" and "COMMAND"');
- Writeln(' to run this program, as the program itself creates 48');
- Writeln(' additional files and all the disk space is needed');
- Writeln(' for data storage. When you wish to create an additional');
- Writeln(' schedule--next session, for instance--it is suggested');
- Writeln(' that you copy SIGNUP.COM (only!) onto a new, blank disk.');
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' If you use this program and find it valuable, you are');
- Writeln(' asked to send 25.00 to James Edmunds, PO Box 2185, New Iberia,');
- Writeln(' Louisiana, 70560.');
- Write(' Do you wish a printout of that name and address? (Y/N) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N'];
- Writeln(UpCase(Ch));
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'Y' then
- begin
- Writeln(Lst,'If you use SIGNUP and find it valuable, please');
- Writeln(Lst,'send 25.00 to:');
- Writeln(Lst,' James Edmunds');
- Writeln(Lst,' PO Box 2185');
- Writeln(Lst,' New Iberia, LA 70560');
- end;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' In no event does the programmer undertake any liability');
- Writeln(' with the regard to the performance of the program');
- Writeln(' or any situation arising from its use.');
- Writeln;
- Delay(3000);
- Write(^G);
- Write(' Press the space bar to continue...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- end;
- end;
- {The procedure lumping all the introductory stuff together}
- procedure Intro;
- begin
- DrawScreen;
- Delay(500);
- MakeWindow;
- Delay(250);
- Title;
- Delay(4000);
- Greeting;
- end;
- {General purpose procedure to get an expression with regard to limit of}
- {length of string. Called with C=Column, R=Row, L=Length limit of }
- {expression. Carriage return--Chr(13)--enters the expression into }
- {desired location in calling routine. This is for strings. }
- procedure GetExpression;
- begin
- Expression := '';
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Write('':L,'<<');
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Expression := Expression + Ch; {Add each keystroke to string}
- J := Length(Expression);
- If Ch = Chr(8) then {Special routing for backspaces}
- begin
- If J = 1 then {Special routine for backspace as first Ch}
- begin
- Write(^G);
- Delete(Expression,J,1);
- end;
- If J <> 1 then
- begin
- Delete(Expression,J-1,2);
- M := (C + (J - 2));
- GotoXY(M,R);
- Write(' ');
- J := J - 1;
- end;
- end;
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Write(Expression);
- If Ch = Chr(13) then L := L + 1;
- If J > L then
- begin
- Write(^G); {Wipes it out with a beep if too long}
- Expression := '';
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Write('':L,'<< ');
- end;
- Until Ch = Chr(13);
- end;
- {Similar to GetExpression, but uses X as number length. Case of routine}
- {averts variable type error by locking out anything but numbers, back- }
- {spaces and Carriage returns}
- procedure GetNumber;
- begin
- Expression := '';
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Write('':X,'<<');
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Repeat
- Repeat
- Beep := True; {Locks out letters, etc. Beeps if wrong}
- Read(KBD,Ch); {kind of key pressed}
- If Ch in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',Chr(8),Chr(13)] then
- begin
- Beep := False;
- end;
- If Beep = True then Write(^G);
- Until Ch in ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',Chr(8),Chr(13)];
- Expression := Expression + Ch;
- J := Length(Expression);
- If Ch = Chr(8) then
- begin
- If J = 1 then
- begin
- Write(^G);
- Delete(Expression,J,1);
- end;
- If J <> 1 then
- begin
- Delete(Expression,J-1,2);
- M := (C + (J - 2));
- GotoXY(M,R);
- Write(' ');
- J := J - 1;
- end;
- end;
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Write(Expression);
- If Ch = Chr(13) then X := X + 1;
- If J > X then
- begin
- Write(^G);
- Expression := '';
- GotoXY(C,R);
- Write('':X,'<< ');
- end;
- Until Ch = Chr(13);
- Val(Expression,K,O);
- Number := K;
- end;
- {Initializes SKED.DTA,etc. and moves to EditSched}
- procedure MakeSched;
- begin
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- TextColor(15);
- Writeln(' There is no schedule file on this disk.');
- Writeln;
- Write(' Do you wish to create a schedule? (Y/N) ');
- Read(KBD,Choice);
- Repeat until UpCase(Choice) in ['Y','N']; {Falls through to menu on N}
- Writeln(Choice);
- Choic := UpCase(Choice);
- If Choic = 'Y' then
- begin
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' Please wait a moment while the program prepares');
- Writeln(' the disk so that you may create a schedule.');
- Assign(SchedFile,'SKED.DTA');
- Rewrite(SchedFile);
- with SchedRec do
- begin
- Workshop := ' ';
- When := ''; Who := ''; HowMany := 0; YoungestAge :=0; OldestAge := 0;
- for I := 1 to MaxNoWorkshops do
- begin
- WorkshopNumber := I;
- Write(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- end;
- end;
- Close(SchedFile);
- Assign(PartiFile,'PARTI.DTA');
- Rewrite(PartiFile);
- Close(PartiFile);
- For I := 10 to 55 do {Use 10 to 55 instead of 1 to 45 so Str function}
- begin {can use 2 places consistently}
- Str(I:2,RosterNumber);
- RosterName := 'ROS.' + RosterNumber;
- Assign(RostListFile,RosterName);
- Rewrite(RostListFile);
- Close(RostListFile);
- end;
- TextColor(7);
- ClrScr;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' Now, you must set a limit on the number of workshops');
- Writeln(' for which each participant will be allowed to register.');
- Writeln(' You may set that number as high as 10.');
- Write(' Enter the maximum number of workshops per registrant:');
- Repeat
- Repeat
- Repeat
- C := 62; R := 7; X := 2;
- GetNumber;
- If Number > 10 then Write(^G);
- If Number < 1 then Write(^G);
- Until Number < 11;
- Until Number > 0;
- GotoXY(8,1);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(8,1);
- Write(' Are you sure? (Y/N)');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N'];
- Write(UpCase(Ch));
- Until UpCase(Ch) = 'Y';
- MostWorkshops := Number;
- ClrScr;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' The program automatically registers participants as');
- Writeln(' alternates when requested workshops are already full.');
- Writeln(' You must specify the number of workshops for which one');
- Writeln(' may register as an alternate. The minimum is 1, and the');
- Writeln(' number may be as high as 10.');
- Write(' Enter the maximum number for alternate listings:');
- Repeat
- Repeat
- Repeat
- C := 62; R := 7; X := 2;
- GetNumber;
- If Number > 10 then Write(^G);
- If Number < 1 then Write(^G);
- Until Number < 11;
- Until Number > 0;
- GotoXY(8,1);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(8,1);
- Write(' Are you sure? (Y/N)');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N'];
- Write(UpCase(Ch));
- Until UpCase(Ch) = 'Y';
- MostAlternates := Number;
- Assign(LimitFile,'LIMITS.DTA');ReWrite(LimitFile);
- With LimitRec do
- begin
- WorkshopLimit := MostWorkshops;
- AlternateLimit := MostAlternates;
- end;
- Write(LimitFile,LimitRec);
- Close(LimitFile);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- end;
- procedure EditMessage;
- begin
- GotoXY(1,1);
- Writeln(' Each workshop is assigned a number. To add a workshop, type in a');
- Writeln(' number that has no name next to it and press <RETURN>.');
- Writeln(' To edit information about a workshop that is listed, type the number');
- Writeln(' to the left of its name and press <RETURN>.');
- Writeln(' To exit from this function, type 0 and press <RETURN>.');
- end;
- procedure RosterMessage;
- begin
- GotoXY(1,1);
- Writeln(' Each workshop is assigned a number. To choose the');
- Writeln(' workshop whose roster you wish to examine, type the');
- Writeln(' number to the left of its name and press <RETURN>.');
- Writeln(' To exit from this function, type 0 and press <RETURN>.');
- end;
- {Put the list of workshops on the screen and choose one to enter/edit}
- procedure ListWorkshops;
- begin
- for I := 1 to 74 do
- begin
- GotoXY(I,6);
- Write(chr(205));
- end;
- Assign(SchedFile,'SKED.DTA');Reset(SchedFile);
- for I := 1 to 9 do
- begin
- J := I + 6; {Two routines in left-most column to}
- GotoXY(4,J); {keep numbers right-justified}
- Write(I);
- Seek(SchedFile,I-1); Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- with SchedRec do
- begin
- GotoXY(6,J);
- Write(Workshop);
- end;
- end;
- for I := 10 to 15 do
- begin
- J := I + 6;
- GotoXY(3,J);
- Write(I);
- Seek(SchedFile,I-1); Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- with SchedRec do
- begin
- GotoXY(6,J);
- Write(Workshop);
- end;
- end;
- for I := 16 to 30 do {routine to display second column}
- begin
- J := I-9;
- GotoXY(27,J);
- Write(I);
- Seek(SchedFile,I-1); Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- with SchedRec do
- begin
- GotoXY(30,J);
- Write(Workshop);
- end;
- end;
- for I := 31 to 45 do {third column}
- begin
- J := I-24;
- GotoXY(51,J);
- Write(I);
- Seek(SchedFile,I-1); Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- with SchedRec do
- begin
- GotoXY(54,J);
- Write(Workshop);
- end;
- end;
- TextColor(15);
- Repeat
- GotoXY(40,22);
- Write('CHOICE: ');
- C := 48; R := 22; X := 2; {Set location variables prior to calling}
- GetNumber;
- WorkshopChoice := Number;
- If 45 < WorkshopChoice then
- begin
- GotoXY(1,1);
- Sound(440);
- Delay(300);
- NoSound;
- GotoXY(3,22);
- Write('You must enter a number from 1 to 45, or 0 to exit. Try Again.');
- Delay(5000);
- GotoXY(3,22);
- Write('':69);
- end;
- Until 46 > WorkshopChoice; {0 falls through to menu}
- Close(SchedFile);
- TextColor(7);
- end;
- {Enter or edit a workshop}
- procedure EditWorkshop;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write('Workshop Title: ');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write(' Time & Place: ');
- GotoXY(4,12);
- Write(' Instructor: ');
- GotoXY(4,13);
- Write(' Class limit: ');
- GotoXY(4,14);
- Write(' Minimum age: ');
- GotoXY(4,15);
- Write(' Maximum age: ');
- Assign(SchedFile,'SKED.DTA'); Reset(SchedFile);
- Seek(SchedFile,WorkshopChoice-1); Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- with SchedRec do
- begin
- GotoXY(21,10);
- Write(Workshop);
- GotoXY(21,11);
- Write(When);
- GotoXY(21,12);
- Write(Who);
- GotoXY(21,13);
- Write(HowMany);
- GotoXY(21,14);
- Write(YoungestAge);
- GotoXY(21,15);
- Write(OldestAge);
- end;
- Close(SchedFile);
- GotoXY(10,18);
- Write('Do you wish to change the listing? (Y/N) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Choice);
- Until UpCase(Choice) in ['Y','N']; {Falls through to listings on N}
- Choic := UpCase(Choice);
- If Choic = 'Y' then
- begin
- Write(Choic);
- GotoXY(10,18);
- Write('':50);
- Assign(SchedFile,'SKED.DTA'); Reset(SchedFile);
- Seek(SchedFile,WorkshopChoice-1); Read (SchedFile,SchedRec);
- With SchedRec do
- begin
- C := 21; {Set location, length variables before calling}
- R := 10;
- L := 18;
- GetExpression;
- Workshop := Expression;
- C := 21;
- R := 11;
- L := 40;
- GetExpression;
- When := Expression;
- C := 21;
- R := 12;
- L := 25;
- GetExpression;
- Who := Expression;
- C := 21;
- R := 13;
- X := 3;
- GetNumber;
- HowMany := Number;
- C := 21;
- R := 14;
- X := 3;
- GetNumber;
- YoungestAge := Number;
- C := 21;
- R := 15;
- X := 3;
- GetNumber;
- OldestAge := Number;
- end;
- Seek(SchedFile,WorkshopChoice-1);
- Write(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- end;
- Close(SchedFile);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- {Add or change various workshops in schedule}
- procedure EditSched;
- begin
- Repeat
- EditMessage;
- ListWorkshops;
- If WorkshopChoice <> 0 then
- EditWorkshop;
- Until WorkshopChoice = 0;
- end;
- {The module for creating and adding to the workshop schedule}
- procedure Create;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- Assign(CheckForFile,'SKED.DTA');
- CheckForTheFile;
- If not IsOne then MakeSched else EditSched;
- end;
- procedure RegistrationPrint;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- GotoXY(10,10);
- Write('Complete registration being printed...');
- Assign(PartiFile,'PARTI.DTA');
- Reset(PartiFile);
- For I := 0 to FileSize(PartiFile) - 1 do
- begin
- Seek(PartiFile,I);Read(PartiFile, PartiRec);
- with PartiRec do
- begin
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiNumber);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiName);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiAddr1);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiAddr2);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiAddr3);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiPhone);
- Writeln(Lst,'Age: ',PartiAge);
- If PartiIn1 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn1);
- If PartiIn2 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn2);
- If PartiIn3 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn3);
- If PartiIn4 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn4);
- If PartiIn5 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn5);
- If PartiIn6 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn6);
- If PartiIn7 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn7);
- If PartiIn8 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn8);
- If PartiIn9 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn9);
- If PartiIn10 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is registered in: ',PartiIn10);
- If AltIn1 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn1);
- If AltIn2 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn3);
- If AltIn3 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn3);
- If AltIn4 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn4);
- If AltIn5 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn5);
- If AltIn6 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn6);
- If AltIn7 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn7);
- If AltIn8 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn8);
- If AltIn9 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn9);
- If AltIn10 > 0 then Writeln(Lst,'Is an alternate in: ',AltIn10);
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst);
- end;
- end;
- Close(PartiFile);
- Writeln(Lst,Chr(12));
- end;
- procedure RosterScreen;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- Assign(SchedFile,'SKED.DTA');
- Reset(SchedFile);
- Seek(SchedFile,WorkshopChoice - 1);
- Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- With SchedRec do
- begin
- J := HowMany; {Used to screen alternates}
- end;
- R := WorkshopChoice + 10;
- Str(R:2,RosterNumber);
- RosterName := 'ROS.' + RosterNumber;
- Assign(RostListFile,RosterName);
- Reset(RostListFile);
- For I := 0 to FileSize(RostListFile) - 1 do
- begin
- A := I +1;
- D := A;
- If A > 20 then if A < 41 then
- begin
- If A = 21 then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,A);
- Write('Press space bar to list more registrants...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- A := A - 20;
- end;
- If A > 40 then if A < 61 then
- begin
- If A = 41 then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,21);
- Write('Press space bar to list more registrants...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- A := A - 40;
- end;
- If A > 60 then if A < 81 then
- begin
- If A = 61 then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,21);
- Write('Press space bar to list more registrants...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- A := A - 60;
- end;
- Seek(RostListFile,I);Read(RostListFile,RostRec);
- with RostRec do
- begin
- If AltFlag = False then
- begin
- GotoXY(3,A);
- Write(PartiRosterNumber);
- GotoXY(8,A);
- Write(D);
- GotoXY(12,A);
- Write(PartiRosterName);
- GotoXY(45,A);
- Write(PartiRosterPhone);
- B := I + 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- GotoXY(4,21);
- Write('Press space bar to list alternates...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- For I := 0 to FileSize(RostListFile) - 1 do
- begin
- A := I +1;
- D := A;
- If A > 20 then if A < 41 then
- begin
- If A = 21 then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,A);
- Write('Press space bar to list more alternates...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- A := A - 20;
- end;
- If A > 40 then if A < 61 then
- begin
- If A = 41 then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,21);
- Write('Press space bar to list more alternates...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- A := A - 40;
- end;
- If A > 60 then if A < 81 then
- begin
- If A = 61 then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,21);
- Write('Press space bar to list more alternates...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- A := A - 60;
- end;
- Seek(RostListFile,I);Read(RostListFile,RostRec);
- with RostRec do
- begin
- If AltFlag = True then
- begin
- GotoXY(3,A);
- Write(PartiRosterNumber);
- GotoXY(8,A);
- Write(D);
- GotoXY(12,A);
- Write(PartiRosterName);
- GotoXY(45,A);
- Write(PartiRosterPhone);
- B := I + 1;
- GotoXY(65,A);
- Write('**Alt');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Close(RostListFile);
- GotoXY(4,A +1);
- Write('Press space bar to return to Roster listing menu...');
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- ClrScr;
- end;
- procedure RosterPrint;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- Assign(SchedFile,'SKED.DTA');
- Reset(SchedFile);
- Seek(SchedFile,WorkshopChoice - 1);
- Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- With SchedRec do
- begin
- J := HowMany;
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst,Workshop);
- Writeln(Lst,When);
- Writeln(Lst,Who);
- Writeln(Lst,'Class limit: ',HowMany);
- Writeln(Lst,'Minimum Age: ',YoungestAge);
- Writeln(Lst,'Maximum Age: ',OldestAge);
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst,'Roster of those registered for class: ');
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst,'Reg #');
- end;
- Close(SchedFile);
- R := WorkshopChoice + 10;
- Str(R:2,RosterNumber);
- RosterName := 'ROS.' + RosterNumber;
- Assign(RostListFile,RosterName);
- Reset(RostListFile);
- For I := 0 to FileSize(RostListFile) - 1 do
- begin
- Seek(RostListFile,I);Read(RostListFile,RostRec);
- with RostRec do
- begin
- AltFlagger := AltFlag;
- end;
- If AltFlagger = False then
- begin
- A := I + 1;
- D := A;
- Seek(RostListFile,I);Read(RostListFile,RostRec);
- with RostRec do
- begin
- Writeln(Lst,PartiRosterNumber:3,D:8,PartiRosterName:40,PartiRosterPhone:63);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- For I := 0 to FileSize(RostListFile) - 1 do
- begin
- Seek(RostListFile,I);Read(RostListFile,RostRec);
- With RostRec do
- begin
- AltFlagger := AltFlag;
- end;
- If AltFlagger = True then
- begin
- A := I + 1;
- D := A;
- Seek(RostListFile,I);Read(RostListFile,RostRec);
- with RostRec do
- begin
- Entry := '**Alt';
- Writeln(Lst,PartiRosterNumber:3,D:8,PartiRosterName:40,PartiRosterPhone:63,Entry:75);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Close(RostListFile);
- Writeln(Lst,Chr(12));
- ClrScr;
- end;
- procedure GiveRoster;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- GotoXY(1,10);
- Writeln(' Indicate that you want to see the roster on the');
- Writeln(' screen by typing <S> or on the printer by typing <P>.');
- Writeln;
- Write(' What is your choice? (S/P) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['S','P'];
- Case UpCase(Ch) of
- 'S' : RosterScreen;
- 'P' : RosterPrint;
- end;
- end;
- procedure RosterChoice;
- begin
- Repeat
- RosterMessage;
- ListWorkshops;
- If WorkshopChoice <> 0 then
- GiveRoster;
- Until WorkshopChoice = 0;
- end;
- procedure RosterExamine;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- RosterChoice;
- end;
- procedure SelectOption;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- for I := 1 to 74 do
- begin
- GotoXY(I,6);
- Write(chr(205));
- end;
- GotoXY(4,2);
- Write('Select whether you would like a complete registration');
- GotoXY(4,3);
- Write('printout or you would like to examine roster listings');
- GotoXY(4,4);
- Write('by keying the appropriate letter.');
- TextColor(15);
- GotoXY(10,10);
- Write('C');
- GotoXY(10,12);
- Write('R');
- GotoXY(10,14);
- Write('X');
- TextColor(7);
- GotoXY(14,10);
- Write('Complete registration printout');
- GotoXY(14,12);
- Write('Roster listings');
- GotoXY(14,14);
- Write('Exit this function, return to menu');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Choice);
- Until UpCase(Choice) in ['C','R','X'];
- Choic := UpCase(Choice);
- Case Choic of
- 'C' : RegistrationPrint;
- 'R' : RosterExamine;
- end; {X falls through to earlier menu}
- end;
- {Examines--and prints--rosters for individual workshops}
- procedure Examine;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- Assign(CheckForFile,'SKED.DTA');
- CheckForTheFile;
- If IsOne then
- begin
- Repeat
- SelectOption;
- Until Choic = 'X'
- end;
- end;
- {Check to see if want a printed copy each time....and whether to form}
- {feed each one}
- procedure PrintOrNo;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- PrintReg := false;
- FormFeed := false;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' Do you wish a printed record of each registration to');
- Write(' to be produced at the time each registration is made? (Y/N) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch)
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N'];
- Write(Ch);
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'Y' then PrintReg := True;
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'Y' then
- begin
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' To make the registration records print one per');
- Writeln(' page, type < F >. To make them print on a continuous');
- Write(' sheet, type < C >. Your choice: (F,C) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch)
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['F','C'];
- Write(Ch);
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'F' then FormFeed := True;
- end;
- end;
- procedure AlternateRegister;
- begin
- If NumberAltIn > MostAlternates - 1 then {Can register as alternate only}
- begin {so many times }
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'This workshop is full, and registrant is already ');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('an alternate in the maximum number of workshops.');
- end
- else
- begin
- If NumberIn = MostWorkshops then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'The registrant will listed as ');
- end
- else
- begin
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'This workshop is full. The registrant will listed as');
- end;
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('as an alternate. ');
- If PrintReg = True then
- begin
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst,'You are registered as an alternate in:');
- Writeln(Lst,Entry);
- Writeln(Lst,Expression);
- end;
- NumberAltIn := NumberAltIn + 1;
- AltFlagger := True;
- Assign(PartiFile,'PARTI.DTA'); Reset(PartiFile);
- Z := FileSize(PartiFile) - 1;
- Seek(PartiFile,Z);
- With PartiRec do
- begin
- case NumberAltIn of {Record registration as}
- 1 : AltIn1 := WorkshopChoice; {an alternate}
- 2 : AltIn2 := WorkshopChoice;
- 3 : AltIn3 := WorkshopChoice;
- 4 : AltIn4 := WorkshopChoice;
- 5 : AltIn5 := WorkshopChoice;
- 6 : AltIn6 := WorkshopChoice;
- 7 : AltIn7 := WorkshopChoice;
- 8 : AltIn8 := WorkshopChoice;
- 9 : AltIn9 := WorkshopChoice;
- 10 : AltIn10 := WorkshopChoice;
- end;
- Write(PartiFile,PartiRec);
- end;
- Close(PartiFile);
- Assign(PartiFile,'PARTI.DTA');Reset(PartiFile);
- Seek(PartiFile,FileSize(PartiFile) - 1);
- Read(PartiFile,PartiRec);
- with PartiRec do
- begin
- V := PartiNumber;
- end;
- Close(PartiFile);
- Assign(RostListFile,RosterName);Reset(RostListFile);
- Seek(RostListFile,R);
- With RostRec do
- begin
- PartiRosterNumber := V;
- PartiRosterName := PartiNameHold;
- PartiRosterPhone := PartiPhoneHold;
- AltFlag := AltFlagger;
- end;
- Write(RostListFile,RostRec);
- Close(RostListFile);
- end;
- end;
- procedure Transfer;
- begin
- Okay := False;
- AgeSkip := False;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,9);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,9);
- Write('Enter the number of the workshop desired: ');
- C := 60; R := 9; X := 2;
- GetNumber; WorkshopChoice := Number;
- If WorkshopChoice > 45 then Write(^G);
- If WorkshopChoice < 1 then Write(^G);
- Yes := False;
- If WorkshopChoice < 46 then if WorkshopChoice > 0 then Yes := True;
- Until Yes = True;
- Assign(SchedFile, 'SKED.DTA'); Reset(SchedFile);
- Seek(SchedFile,WorkshopChoice - 1);Read(SchedFile,SchedRec);
- With SchedRec do
- begin
- Entry := Workshop;
- Expression := When;
- Y := YoungestAge;
- O := OldestAge;
- L := HowMany;
- end;
- Close(SchedFile);
- H := PartiAgeHold;
- If PartiAgeHold > O then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'The registrant is too old for this workshop. Press');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('Do you wish to register for another workshop? (Y/N) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N','X'];
- Write(UpCase(Ch));
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'X' then {Allow operator override without showing}
- begin {that option on the screen.}
- H := O;
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'Age mismatch overridden by registrar... ');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('Registration process continues... ');
- Delay(3500);
- end;
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'N' then
- begin
- Stopper := True;
- AgeSkip := True;
- H := O;
- end;
- end;
- If PartiAgeHold < Y then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'The registrant is too young for this workshop. ');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('Do you wish to register for another workshop? (Y/N) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N','X'];
- Write(UpCase(Ch));
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'X' then
- begin
- H := Y;
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'Age mismatch overridden by registrar... ');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('Registration process continues... ');
- Delay(3500);
- end;
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'N' then
- begin
- Stopper := True;
- AgeSkip := True;
- H := Y;
- end;
- end;
- If O >= H then if H >= Y then Okay := True;
- Until Okay = True;
- {**} If AgeSkip = False then
- begin
- J := WorkshopChoice + 10;
- Str(J:2,RosterNumber);
- RosterName := 'ROS.' + RosterNumber;
- Assign(RostListFile,RosterName); Reset(RostListFile);
- R := FileSize(RostListFile);
- Close(RostListFile);
- B := R + 1;
- If B > L then if NumberAltIn <> MostAlternates then
- begin
- AlternateRegister;
- end
- else
- begin
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write('The workshop is full and the registrant is already ');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('an alternate in the maximum number of workshops. ');
- end;
- If B <= L then if NumberIn = MostWorkshops then AlternateRegister;
- If B <= L then if NumberIn <> MostWorkshops then
- begin
- NumberIn := NumberIn + 1;
- AltFlagger := False;
- Assign(PartiFile,'PARTI.DTA'); Reset(PartiFile);
- Z := FileSize(PartiFile) - 1;
- Seek(PartiFile,Z);
- With PartiRec do
- begin
- case NumberIn of
- 1 : PartiIn1 := WorkshopChoice;
- 2 : PartiIn2 := WorkshopChoice;
- 3 : PartiIn3 := WorkshopChoice;
- 4 : PartiIn4 := WorkshopChoice;
- 5 : PartiIn5 := WorkshopChoice;
- 6 : PartiIn6 := WorkshopChoice;
- 7 : PartiIn7 := WorkshopChoice;
- 8 : PartiIn8 := WorkshopChoice;
- 9 : PartiIn9 := WorkshopChoice;
- 10 : PartiIn10 := WorkshopChoice;
- end;
- Write(PartiFile,PartiRec);
- end;
- Close(PartiFile);
- Assign(PartiFile,'PARTI.DTA');Reset(PartiFile);
- Seek(PartiFile,FileSize(PartiFile) - 1);
- Read(PartiFile,PartiRec);
- With PartiRec do
- begin
- V := PartiNumber;
- end;
- Close(PartiFile);
- Assign(RostListFile,RosterName);Reset(RostListFile);
- Seek(RostListFile,R);
- With RostRec do
- begin
- PartiRosterNumber := V;
- PartiRosterName := PartiNameHold;
- PartiRosterPhone := PartiPhoneHold;
- AltFlag := AltFlagger;
- end;
- Write(RostListFile,RostRec);
- Close(RostListFile);
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('Registration successful... ');
- If PrintReg = False then
- begin
- Delay(3000);
- Write(^G);
- end;
- If PrintReg = True then
- begin
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst,'You are registered in: ');
- Writeln(Lst,Entry);
- Writeln(Lst,Expression);
- end;
- end;
- If NumberIn = MostWorkshops then if NumberAltIn = MostAlternates then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write('':69);
- Stopper := True;
- end;
- If NumberIn = MostWorkshops then if NumberAltIn <> MostAlternates then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write('You have register successfully for the maximum');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('number of workshops, but may still be listed as an');
- GotoXY(4,12);
- Write('alternate if you wish to register for another workshop.');
- GotoXY(4,13);
- Write('Do you wish to register for another workshop? (Y/N) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N'];
- Write (UpCase(Ch));
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'N' then Stopper := True;
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'Y' then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,12);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,13);
- Write('':69);
- end;
- end;
- If NumberIn <> MostWorkshops then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,13);
- Write('Do you wish to register for another workshop? (Y/N) ');
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N'];
- Write(UpCase(Ch));
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'N' then Stopper := True;
- If UpCase(Ch) = 'Y' then
- begin
- GotoXY(4,12);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,13);
- Write('':69);
- end;
- end;
- {**} end;
- end;
- procedure RegisterParti;
- begin
- PrintOrNo;{find out whether to turn printer on}
- Stopper := False;
- Repeat
- Stopper := False;
- ClrScr;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' Registrant''s Name: '); {Get input of name, etc.}
- Writeln(' Address: ');
- Writeln(' Address: ');
- Writeln(' Address: ');
- Writeln(' Telephone: ');
- Writeln(' Age: ');
- Writeln;
- C := 24;
- R := 2;
- L := 30;
- GetExpression;
- PartiNameHold := Expression;
- C := 24;
- R := 3;
- L := 30;
- GetExpression;
- PartiAddr1Hold := Expression;
- C := 24;
- R := 4;
- L := 30;
- GetExpression;
- PartiAddr2Hold := Expression;
- C := 24;
- R := 5;
- L := 30;
- GetExpression;
- PartiAddr3Hold := Expression;
- C := 24;
- R := 6;
- L := 14;
- GetExpression;
- PartiPhoneHold := Expression;
- C := 24;
- R := 7;
- X := 3;
- GetNumber;
- PartiAgeHold := Number;
- Assign(PartiFile,'PARTI.DTA');Reset(PartiFile);
- Seek(PartiFile,FileSize(PartiFile));
- With PartiRec do
- begin
- PartiNumber := FileSize(PartiFile) + 1;
- PartiName := PartiNameHold;
- PartiAddr1 := PartiAddr1Hold;
- PartiAddr2 := PartiAddr2Hold;
- PartiAddr3 := PartiAddr3Hold;
- PartiPhone := PartiPhoneHold;
- PartiAge := PartiAgeHold;
- PartiIn1 := 0;
- PartiIn2 := 0;
- PartiIn3 := 0;
- PartiIn4 := 0;
- PartiIn5 := 0;
- PartiIn6 := 0;
- PartiIn7 := 0;
- PartiIn8 := 0;
- PartiIn9 := 0;
- PartiIn10 := 0;
- AltIn1 := 0;
- AltIn2 := 0;
- AltIn3 := 0;
- AltIn4 := 0;
- AltIn5 := 0;
- AltIn6 := 0;
- AltIn7 := 0;
- AltIn8 := 0;
- AltIn9 := 0;
- AltIn10 := 0;
- end;
- Write(PartiFile,PartiRec);
- Close(PartiFile);
- NumberIn := 0; {Start counters of number of registrations}
- NumberAltIn := 0;
- Assign(LimitFile,'LIMITS.DTA');Reset(LimitFile);
- Seek(LimitFile,FileSize(LimitFile) - 1);
- Read(LimitFile,LimitRec);
- With LimitRec do
- begin
- MostWorkshops := WorkshopLimit;
- MostAlternates := AlternateLimit;
- end;
- Close(LimitFile);
- If PrintReg = True then
- begin
- Writeln(Lst,PartiNameHold);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiAddr1Hold);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiAddr2Hold);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiAddr3Hold);
- Writeln(Lst,PartiPhoneHold);
- end;
- Repeat
- Transfer;
- Until Stopper = True;
- If PrintReg = True then
- begin
- If FormFeed = True then
- Write(Lst,Chr(12))
- else
- Writeln(Lst);
- Writeln(Lst);
- end;
- GotoXY(4,10);
- Write(^G,'This completes the registration for this registrant. ');
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,11);
- Write('Do you wish to register another participant? (Y/N) ');
- GotoXY(4,12);
- Write('':69);
- GotoXY(4,13);
- Write('':69);
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) in ['Y','N'];
- Write(Ch);
- Until UpCase(Ch) = 'N';
- end;
- {Module to register participants in workshops...makes them alternates}
- {if desired workshop is filled}
- procedure Register;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- Assign(CheckForFile,'SKED.DTA');
- CheckForTheFile;
- If not IsOne then MakeSched else RegisterParti;
- end;
- {The opening menu. Return to this procedure at the end of each}
- {module of SIGN UP! Use TextColor change to get high video. }
- procedure OpenMenu;
- begin
- ClrScr;
- Writeln;
- Writeln;
- Writeln(' Choose from the following SIGN UP! program options');
- Writeln(' by keying the letter corresponding to your choice.');
- Writeln(' Example: Type "Q" to quit.');
- for I := 1 to 74 do
- begin
- GotoXY(I,7);
- Write(chr(205));
- end;
- TextColor(15);
- GotoXY(10,9);
- Write('C');
- GotoXY(10,11);
- Write('E');
- GotoXY(10,13);
- Write('R');
- GotoXY(10,15);
- Write('Q');
- TextColor(7);
- GotoXY(15,9);
- Write('Create, view or edit a workshop schedule');
- GotoXY(15,11);
- Write('Examine or print a workshop roster or regristant list');
- GotoXY(15,13);
- Write('Register participants in workshops');
- GotoXY(15,15);
- Write('Quit SIGN UP! (Return to DOS)');
- end;
- procedure ChooseMenu;
- begin
- Repeat
- Read(KBD,Choice)
- Until UpCase(Choice) in ['C','E','R','Q'];
- Choic := UpCase(Choice);
- Case Choic of
- 'C': Create;
- 'E': Examine;
- 'R': Register; {Q falls through to program block, hence to DOS}
- end;
- end;
- {The choice of which module made here}
- procedure ChooseModule;
- begin
- OpenMenu;
- ChooseMenu;
- end;
- {The program}
- begin
- Intro;
- Repeat
- ChooseModule
- Until Choic = 'Q';
- ClrScr;
- end.